Dr Henrik Almeida

Dr. h.c. Henrik Almeida, Head of Ericsson Research UK, studied mathematics and physics at University of Stockholm in the early 80-ties. He joined Ericsson in 1990, and Ericsson Research in 1998 where he has held different research management positions over the past 24 years. In 2010 he received his technical honorary doctorate, for research achievements in broadband access technologies, performed in collaboration with Lund University. Initially driving the evolution of fixed broadband access, including VDSL2, GPON, and the foundation ofG.fast (ITU-T). Later into wireless systems and new indoor radio solutions, including the Ericsson Radio Dot System (RDS) and compression technologies for the new fronthaul interfaces, which are required in the 5G architecture. Presently, on a long-term assignment in the UK, establishing a UK Ericsson Research site, focusing on 6G Networks and Security.

Dr Henrik Almeida

Head of Ericsson Research UK

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