MSc Summer Team Project (STP)

Key features of the MSc Summer Team Project for potential business partners.

What is the STP?

This unit is the expected summer project unit for all students taking the MSc in Computer Science. The aim of the unit is to give teams of students the opportunity to undertake an advanced group project, typically involving a significant amount of software engineering.

Teams undertake a substantial project. The number of team members is aligned to project delivery requirements but are typically between 4-6 students. 

Projects will be assigned a Project Advisor who will provide guidance on the direction of the project, especially in terms of academic standard, and teams are encouraged to co-opt other academics with relevant expertise in technical advisory roles. 

Projects will typically involve the design, development and evaluation of a prototype system or application. Teams are expected to take a professional approach to the project, developing a clear project plan, with milestones and deliverables, making use of appropriate tools for project management and version control, for example, and assigning roles and responsibilities to team members according to capabilities and expertise.

All team members are expected to engage fully with the project according to their role and this element will form part of the assessment.

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