Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

We are committed to creating and fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for our students and staff regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The School’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team is committed to monitor EDI-related issues, raise awareness of key issues on inequalities and discrimination, and to provide solutions for positive change to raise the School’s profile in equality, diversity and inclusion, for students and staff.

We bring students together to celebrate diversity through social events, speaker engagements and peer mentoring, and aim to act as an interface between students and staff on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion. Our activities also cover curriculum-development initiatives for diversification and decolonisation (for an example, see our contribution to the FutureLearns MOOC on Decolonising Educational Practices).

Our action plan follows the “Fostering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” theme in the University’s vision and strategy.

Contact us

To pass on your ideas or feedback or for further information, please contact:

Danielle Guizzo, Associate Professor in Economics Education and Economics EDI Champion
Email: danielle.guizzo@bristol.ac.uk


Global Food Festival
An annual event, free for students and staff, the Global Food Festival is an opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity through global cuisine and entertainment.

Read about previous events in the Economics blog.

Have you experienced unacceptable behaviour from another student?

Contact the university's dedicated 'Report and Support' service.

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