2016 publications

Kohn, S. C., Speich, L., Smith, C. B., & Bulanova, G. P. (2016). FTIR thermochronometry of natural diamonds: A closer look. Lithos, 265, 148–158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.09.021

Mutch, E. J. F., Blundy, J. D., Tattitch, B. C., Cooper, F. J., & Brooker, R. A. (2016). An experimental study of amphibole stability in low-pressure granitic magmas and a revised Al-in-hornblende geobarometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(10). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-016-1298-9

Dobson, D. P., Hunt, S. A., Ahmed, J., Lord, O. T., Wann, E. T., Santangeli, J., Wood, I. G., Vočadlo, L., Walker, A. M., Thomson, A. R., Baron, M. A., Mueller, H. J., Lathe, C., Whitaker, M., Morard, G., & Mezouar, M. (2016). The phase diagram of NiSi under the conditions of small planetary interiors. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2016.10.005

Matjuschkin, V., Blundy, J. D., & Brooker, R. A. (2016). The effect of pressure on sulphur speciation in mid-to deep-crustal arc magmas and implications for the formation of porphyry copper deposits. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(7). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-016-1274-4

Thomson, Andrew R, Walter, M. J., Kohn, S. C., & Brooker, R. A. (2016). Slab melting as a barrier to deep carbon subduction. Nature, 529(7584), 76–79. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature16174

Hutchison, W., Fusillo, R., Pyle, D. M., Mather, T. A., Blundy, J. D., Biggs, J., Yirgu, G., Cohen, B. E., Brooker, R. A., Barfod, D. N., & Calvert, A. T. (2016). A pulse of mid-Pleistocene rift volcanism in Ethiopia at the dawn of modern humans. Nature Communications, 7(1), 13192. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms13192

Cooper, F. J., Adams, B. A., Blundy, J. D., Farley, K. A., McKeon, R. E., & Ruggiero, A. (2016). Aridity-induced Miocene canyon incision in the Central Andes. Geology, 44(8), 675–678. https://doi.org/10.1130/G38254.1

Blundy, J. D., & Annen, C. J. (2016). Crustal Magmatic Systems from the Perspective of Heat Transfer. Elements, 12(2), 115–120. https://doi.org/10.2113/gselements.12.2.115

Smith, C. B., Walter, M. J., Bulanova, G. P., Mikhail, S., Burnham, A. D., Gobbo, L., & Kohn, S. C. (2016). Diamonds from Dachine, French Guiana: A unique record of early Proterozoic subduction. Lithos, 265, 82–95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.09.026

Burnham, A. D., Bulanova, G. P., Smith, C. B., Whitehead, S. C., Kohn, S. C., Gobbo, L., & Walter, M. J. (2016). Diamonds from the Machado River alluvial deposit, Rondônia, Brazil, derived from both lithospheric and sublithospheric mantle. Lithos, 265, 199–213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.05.022

Zalinge, M. E. van, Sparks, R. S. J., Cooper, F. J., & Condon, D. J. (2016). Early Miocene large-volume ignimbrites of the Oxaya Formation, Central Andes. Journal of the Geological Society, 173(5), 716–733. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2015-123

Edmonds, M., Kohn, S. C., Hauri, E. H., Humphreys, M. C. S., & Cassidy, M. (2016). Extensive, water-rich magma reservoir beneath southern Montserrat. Lithos, 252, 216–233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.02.026

Bindi, L., Tamarova, A., Bobrov, A. V., Sirotkina, E. A., Tschauner, O., Walter, M. J., & Irifune, T. (2016). Incorporation of high amounts of Na in ringwoodite: Possible implications for transport of alkali into lower mantle. American Mineralogist, 101(2), 483–486. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2016-5570

Cooper, G. F., Davidson, J. P., & Blundy, J. D. (2016). Plutonic xenoliths from Martinique, Lesser Antilles: evidence for open system processes and reactive melt flow in island arc crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(10), 87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-016-1299-8

Kilgour, G. N., Mader, H. M., Blundy, J. D., & Brooker, R. A. (2016). Rheological controls on the eruption potential and style of an andesite volcano: A case study from Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 327, 273–287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.08.001

Nestola, F., Burnham, A. D., Peruzzo, L., Tauro, L., Alvaro, M., Walter, M. J., Gunter, M., Anzolini, C., & Kohn, S. C. (2016). Tetragonal Almandine-Pyrope Phase, TAPP: finally a name for it, the new mineral jeffbenite. Mineralogical Magazine, 80(7), 1219–1232. https://doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.059

Thomson, A.R., Kohn, S. C., Bulanova, G. P., Smith, C. B., Araujo, D., & Walter, M. J. (2016). Trace element composition of silicate inclusions in sub-lithospheric diamonds from the Juina-5 kimberlite: Evidence for diamond growth from slab melts. Lithos, 265, 108–124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.08.035

Mollo, S., Forni, F., Bachmann, O., Blundy, J. D., Astis, G. D., & Scarlato, P. (2016). Trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and trachy-phonolitic melts: A case study from the Campanian Ignimbrite (Campi Flegrei, Italy). Lithos, 252, 160–172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2016.02.024

Pickles, J. R., Blundy, J. D., & Brooker, R. A. (2016). Trace element thermometry of garnet-clinopyroxene pairs. American Mineralogist, 101(6), 1438–1450. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2016-5427

Lewi, E., Keir, D., Birhanu, Y., Blundy, J., Stuart, G., Wright, T., & Calais, E. (2016). Use of a high-precision gravity survey to understand the formation of oceanic crust and the role of melt at the southern Red Sea rift in Afar, Ethiopia. Special Publications, 420(1), 165–180. https://doi.org/10.1144/sp420.13

Schlaphorst, D., Kendall, J.-M., Collier, J. S., Verdon, J. P., Blundy, J., Baptie, B., Latchman, J. L., Massin, F., & Bouin, M.-P. (2016). Water, oceanic fracture zones and the lubrication of subducting plate boundaries—insights from seismicity. Geophysical Journal International, 204(3), 1405–1420. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggv509

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