Geophysics is a thriving research group within the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol. We are always looking for talented people to join us and to develop our work.
MSci and MSc projects
If you are a 3rd year Bristol MSci student or a new Volcanology MSc student come and talk to a Geophysics group member of staff about potential research projects.
PhD projects
A list of new PhD projects is made available in November for PhD studentships starting the following October. We are always keen to attract applications from students with degrees in Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science etc.) as well as Earth Sciences. In addition, feel free to contact any Geophysics member of staff if you have your own ideas for a project that you think would be of interest to us.
There are several possible sources of PhD funding including:
- GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership studentships. See the website for details of how and when to apply.
- Studentships tied to a specific project. These will be advertised below, if available
- Industrial funding such as CASE awards
- Funding by home government (for international students)
- Self funding
More information about PhD applications to the School of Earth Sciences.
General information about postgraduate study at the University of Bristol.
Post Doctoral Research Assistantships
Research grants to Geophysics group members of staff often include funding for a PDRA. These positions are tied to a specific project, and any currently available will be listed below.
Research fellowships
There are several sources of funding for people with PhDs to join us as research fellows. In this case you will be primarily responsible for putting together your application to a funding body, but our experience is that a high success rate can be achieved if you contact a Geophysics group member of staff well in advance and use input from us to polish your application. The main sources for funding are:
- NERC postdoctoral research fellowships and advanced research fellowships
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- Marie Curie intra-European fellowships for career development
Current opportunities
There are currently no funded positions available, but feel free to contact us if you wish to develop your own application for funding.