Improving Access to Dental Services for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

One in six adults are survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA). CSA survivors have poorer oral health than the general population and face a range of barriers accessing dental services.

At Bristol Dental School, we are working closely with survivors to co-produce survivor-led research and outputs to better understand survivor needs and translate that into the training and education of the next generation of dental professionals.


The poster and information sheet are outputs of a co-produced study funded by the Brigstow Institute and Bristol and Weston Hospital Charity.

A series of workshops including autoethnography, script writing, art and activism allowed survivors to engage and explore their experiences in creative ways. A counsellor was available at all workshops to provide additional support.

Thumbnail of CSA support poster - Freaking out?
Freaking Out? Poster - Produced as an output of the study

Meet the Team

Freaking Out? Poster

As an output of the study, an informative poster was produced to share awareness of the types of support available to CSA survivors when accessing dental services. Please feel free to download, print and distribute using the link below.

Thumbnail of CSA support poster - Freaking out?

CSA support poster (PDF, 1,855kB)

If you would like to be kept informed of further work, please submit your email address via our contact form.

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