Information sheets

Mysmile is a study investigating whether improving oral health can slow memory loss.

The Mysmile study poster, summaries, and information sheets for patients and for accompanying partners, can be accessed via the following links:

MySmile study poster (PDF, 212kB)

‌‌MySmile study summary (short) (PDF, 151kB)

MySmile study summary (long) (PDF, 161kB) 


For patients

MySmile PIS participants EASYREAD (PDF, 247kB)

 MySmile PIS participants full version (PDF, 323kB)


For accompanying partners

MySmile PIS project partners EASYREAD (PDF, 252kB)

MySmile PIS project partners full version (PDF, 316kB)


If you would like to take part, or have questions, please get in touch:

Miss Nikki Hellin, email or telephone  07773 579130

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