Patients and caregivers

Mysmile is a study investigating whether improving oral health can slow memory loss.

What is the purpose of the study?

Alzheimer’s disease has recently been linked to oral health and certain bacteria that are found in the mouth (oral bacteria).  We want to see whether, with appropriate dental treatment we can improve oral health (oral hygiene, how well we clean our teeth and gums) and reduce the number of oral bacteria in people living with memory loss. If the study is successful we want to complete a bigger study to see if keeping teeth and gums clean can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

We are looking for people to take part in this study who have:

  • A diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
  • Are aged 60 years or above
  • An interest in improving oral (gum) health. 

What will happen if I take part?

We will invite patients to attend a clinic at the Brain Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, for an assessment. We will check your gum health and also your ability to remember things. At the first appointment, we will also take samples of blood and saliva. And we will ask you to bring a 'project partner', such as a friend/spouse/family member or carer, to this visit.

For patients who are eligible to take part, we will provide an electric toothbrush and allocate you to one of two groups at random (like tossing a coin).:

  • Group 1 will receive specialist treatment for their gum disease at a study dental practice (3-4 visits)
  • Group 2 will be asked to continue with their normal dental care.

All participants will return to the Brain Centre, Southmead, after 6 and 12 months for repeat dental and memory assessments and blood and saliva donations. We will do a final memory assessment (by video if this is possible, or in person) and after the study is complete we shall offer those in Group 2 the option to have the study specialist treatment for their gum disease.

Further information

For more information, see separate web pages with other frequently asked questions and Information Sheets.


If you would like to take part, or have questions, please get in touch:

Miss Nikki Hellin, email or telephone  07773 579130

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