Fibre-dominated Strength of Multidirectional Laminates Workshop

28 March 2023, 2.00 PM - 28 March 2023, 5.00 PM

After five successful workshops on defining strength and measuring tensile, compression, shear and transverse strength, we are now organising our 6th workshop on Tuesday 28th March 2023 at 2pm. This online workshop focuses on how the fibre-dominated strength of a multidirectional laminate relates to the strength of a UD composite.

  • Topic How the fibre-dominated strength of a multidirectional laminate relates to the strength of a UD composite
  • Date Tuesday 28th March 2023
  • Time 2pm
  • Location Zoom
  • Fee & audience Free and open to all

Register to attend here.

6th Online Workshop

The workshop will be an opportunity for everyone to comment on which aspects you agree or disagree on, on best practices, and what alternative ideas you might like to put forward. We have now also drafted a short paper to outline the key issues and as a starting point for discussions. 


The event will be held on Zoom. We have allowed three hours so we are not constrained by time, but may not use all of this, depending on the number of participants.
Note: the agenda is in UK time, so do not forget to convert into your own timezone. The UK/EU will be switching to summertime right before our workshop, so please factor this in if you are in a time zone that does not switch or that switches later.

  • 2:00 PM  – Meeting introduction – Yentl Swolfs
  • 2:05 PM – Topic presentation - Michael Wisnom, Yentl Swolfs and Federico Paris
  • 2:20 PM – 5-minute presentations
  • 3:20 PM – Break
  • 3:40 PM – Panel member questions and comments (live)
  • 3:50 PM – Open discussion (Q&A or raising hands)
  • 4:40 PM – Conclusions, suggestions for next steps and topics for next workshops
  • 5:00 PM – End of meeting


5-minute presentations

  • Experimental observations of the 90 degrees layer thickness in the strength of 0/90 laminates Elena Correa – University of Sevilla
  • The effect of transverse cracking on longitudinal tensile strength Yentl Swolfs – KU Leuven
  • Recent advances in UD failure simulation and its application to laminate strength Tomonaga Okabe – University of Tohoku
  • Quasi-isotropic laminates, fiber failure or delamination? Christian Hochard – Aix-Marseille Université
  • Predicting unnotched strength of QI laminates using UD strength and size effect laws Xiaodong Xu – University of the West of England
  • The influence of edge delamination on coupon strength tests Richard Butler – University of Bath
  • Simulating sub-critical transverse cracking and delamination in blocked un-notched specimens Silvestre Pinho – Imperial College London
  • Tensile strength of thin-ply quasi-isotropic laminates: is controlled by fiber failure or by other mechanisms? Joel Cugnoni - Haute École d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
  • On the use of crossply and quasi-isotropic laminates to measure the unidirectional compression strength of composites Dan Adams – The University of Utah/Wyoming Test Fixtures
  • Experimental and numerical study on the compressive failure of different carbon/thermoplastic multi-layered laminates Frédéric Laurin – ONERA
  • Effect of off-axis ply orientation on 0-fibre microbuckling Costas Soutis – University of Manchester


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