Education Articles

Effects of competition on government-managed schools






Epple D & Romano R 1998 Competition Between Private and Public Schools, Vouchers and Peer Group Effects American Economic Review 88, 1: 33-62
McMillan, R 2004 Competition, incentives and public school productivity Journal of Political Economy 88: 1871-1892






Data Type

Bettinger, E 2005 The Effect of Charter Schools on Charter Students and Public Schools Economics of Education Review, 24: 133-147 Repeated cross-section
Bradley S & Taylor J 2004 The Economics of Secondary Schools in Johnes, G. & Johnes, J., (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Education, pp 368-414 Panel
Bradley S, Draca M & Green C 2004 School Performance in Australia – Is There a Role For Quasi-Markets? Australian Economic Review 37:3, 271-286 Panel
Grosskopf S et al. 2001 On the Determinants of School District Efficiency: Competition and Monitoring Journal of Urban Economics 49, pp. 453-478 Cross-section
Hanushek E & RIvkin S 2003 Does Public School Competition Affect Teacher Quality? in Hoxby C (ed.) The Economics of School Choice Panel
Hoxby C 2003 School Choice and School Productivity: Could School Choice Be a Tide that Lifts All Boats? in Hoxby C (ed.) The Economics of School Choice Various
Hoxby C 2003 School Choice and School Competition - Evidence from the US Swedish Economic Policy Review, 10: 9 - 65 Various
Hoxby C 2005 Competition Among Public Schools: A Reply to Rothstein’ NBER working paper no. Panel
Ladd H 2003 Comment on Caroline Hoxby: School Choice and School Competition Swedish Economic Policy Review, 10: 67-76 None
Rothstein J 2005 Does Competition Among Public SChools Benefit Students and Taxpayers? A Comment on Hoxby (2000) NBER working paper no. 11215 Panel
Sandström F & Bergsrtöm F 2002 School vouchers in practice – competition won’t hurt you. Research Institute of Industrial Economics working paper no. 578 Cross-section
Wilson D 2004 Which ranking? The impact of a ‘value added’ measure of secondary school performance Public Money and Management, 24 (1): 37-45 Panel
Wilson D, Croxson B & Atkinson A 2004 What gets measured gets done: headteachers’ responses to English secondary school performance measures CMPO Working Paper 04/107, CMPO, University of Bristol Survey