University home > Centre for Market and Public Organisation > People > Researchers > Carol Propper > Publications
Published Journal Articles
'Extending choice in the English health care system' (with S Burgess and D Wilson) forthcoming in Journal of Social Policy
Local Neighbourhood and Mental Health: Evidence from the UK (with Anne Bolster, Simon Burgess, Ron Johnston, Kelvyn Jones and Rebecca Sarker), forthcoming in Social Science and Medicine
'Access to Health Care Resources in the UK: The Case of Care for Arthritis ' (with J Eachus, P Chan, N Pearson and G Davey Smith) Health Economics vol 14, pp 391-406 (2005)
'The Effects of Early Maternal Employment on Child Development in the UK ' (with S Burgess, E Washbrook and P Gregg) Economic Journal vol 115, F48-80, (February 2005)
'Mapping Choice in the NHS using Routine Data ' (with M Damiani and J Dixon) British Medical Journal vol 330, 284 (February 2005)
'Girls Rock, Boys Roll: An Analysis of the Age 14-16 Gender Gap in English Schools ' (with S Burgess B McConnell and D Wilson) Scottish Journal of Political Economy vol 51(2), 209-229 (2004)
'Does competition between hospitals improve the quality of care? Hospital death rates and the NHS Internal Market' (with S Burgess amd K Green) Journal of Public Economics vol 88(7-8), 1247-1272 (July 2004)
'Socioeconomic inequalities in diabetes complications, control, attitudes and health service use: a cross-section study ' (with M Bachmann, J Eachus, CD Hopper, G Davey Smith, Stephen Frankel DM, N Pearson, S Williams, D Tallon MsC) Diabetic Medicine vol 20(11), 921-929 (Nov 2003)
'The Role of Income in Marriage and Divorce Transitions among Young Americans ' (with A Aassve and S Burgess) Journal of Population Economics vol 16(3), 455-475 (August 2003)
'The Use and Usefulness of Performance Measures ' (with D Wilson) Oxford Review of Economic Policy 19 (2), 250-267 (2003)
'The class of '81: The effects of early-career unemployment on subsequent unemployment experiences ' (with S Burgess, H Rees and A Shearer), Labour Economics 10(3), 291-311 (2003)
'Transitions to marriage of young Americans ' (with A Aassve, S Burgess, A Chesher), Journal of Applied Econometrics 17(1), 1-23 (2002)
'Waiting times for hospital admissions: the impact of GP fundholding' (with B Croxson and A Shearer) Journal of Health Economics 21(2), 227-252 (2002)
'A larger role for the private sector in financing UK health care: The arguments and the evidence' (with Katherine Green) Journal of Social Policy 30(4), 685-704 (2001)
'Expenditure on health care in the UK: A review' , Fiscal Studies 22(2), 151-184 (2001)
'The demand for private insurance in the UK: A cohort analysis' (with Hedley Rees and Katherine Green) Economic Journal 111(471) C180-C200 (2001)
'Do doctors respond to financial incentives: UK family doctors and the GP Fundholder Scheme' (with B Croxson and A Perkins), Journal of Public Economics 79(2), 375-398 (2001)
'The demand for private health care in the UK ' Journal of Health Economics 19(6), 855-876 (2000)
'Equity in the delivery of health care in Europe and the US ' (with E van Doorslaer et al) Journal of Health Economics 19(5), 553-584
'Does the UK have a private welfare class?' (with Tandia Burchardt) Journal of Social Policy 28(4), 643-665 (1999)
'Redistributive effect, progressivity and differential tax treatment: Personal income taxes in 12 OECD countries ' (with A Wagstaff et al) Journal of Public Economics 72(1), 73-98 (1999)
'The redistributive effect of health care finance in twelve OECD countries ' (with A Wagstaff et al) Journal of Health Economics (18), 291-314 (1999)
'Equity in the finance of health care: some further international comparisons ' (with A Wagstaff et al) Journal of Health Economics (18), 263-290 (1999)
'An additional dimension to health inequalities: disease severity and socio-economic position ' (with J Eachus, P Chan, N Pearson and G Davey-Smith) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 53, 603-611 (1999)
Recent Book Chapters
'The impact of school choice on sorting by ability and socio-economic factors in English secondary education' (with S Burgess, B McConnell and C Propper) , forthcoming in: P Peterson and L Woessman (eds), Schools and the equal opportunity problem , MIT Press
'The use of performance measures in health care systems' (with C Propper), forthcoming (2006) in: A Jones (ed), The Elgar Companion to Health Economics , Edward Elgar
'Waiting lists' (with J Cullis and P Jones) Handbook of Health Economics (eds.) A Culyer and J Newhouse, North Holland (2000)
Recent Working Papers
Smarter Task Assignment or Greater Effort: the impact of incentives on team performance (PDF, 221kB) (with Simon Burgess, Marisa Ratto, Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder and Emma Tominey), CMPO Working Paper 09/215
Incentives and Targets in Hospital Care: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (with Matt Sutton, Carolyn Whitnall and Frank Windmeijer), CMPO Working Paper 08/205
Keeping Up With The Schmidts: An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context (with Simon Burgess and Gundi Knies), CMPO Working Paper 07/173
The Formation of School Peer Groups: Pupils' Transition from Primary to Secondary School in England (with Simon Burgess, Ron Johnston, Tomas Key, and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 07/172
Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Health. Evidence from Hypertension for the Income/Health Gradient (with David W. Johnston, Carol Propper and Michael A. Shields), CMPO Working Paper 07/171
Distance Travelled in the NHS in England for Inpatient Treatment (with Michael Damiani, George Leckie and Jennifer Dixon), CMPO Working Paper 06/162
The Impact of Neighbourhood on the Income and Mental Health of British Social Renters (with Simon Burgess, Anne Bolster, George Leckie, Kelvyn Jones and Ron Johnston), CMPO Working Paper 06/161
Modelling Poverty by not Modelling Poverty: An Application of a Simultaneous Hazards Approach to the UK (with Arnstein Aassve, Matt Dickson and Carol Propper), CMPO Working Paper 05/134
Extending Choice in English Health Care: The Implications of the Economic Evidence (with Simon Burgess and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 05/133 (2005) forthcoming in Journal of Social Policy
Who wins and who loses from school accountability? The distribution of educational gain in English secondary schools (with Simon Burgess, Helen Slater and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 05/128 (2005)
Health Supplier Quality and the Distribution of Child Health (with John Rigg, Simon Burgess and the ALSPAC Study Team), CMPO Working Paper 05/123 (2005)
Why Economics is Good for Your Health - 2004 Royal Economic Society Public Lecture , CMPO Working Paper 05/116 (2004) forthcoming in Health Economics
Evaluating the Impact of Performance-related Pay for Teachers in England (with Adele Atkinson, Bronwyn Croxson, Paul Gregg, Carol Propper, Helen Slater and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 04/113 (2004)
Sorting and Choice in English Secondary Schools (with Simon Burgess, Brendon McConnell and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 04/111 (2004)
Neighbourhoods, Households and Income Dynamics: A Semi-Parametric Investigation of Neighbourhood Effects (with Anne Bolster, Simon Burgess, Ron Johnston, Kelvyn Jones, and Rebecca Sarker), CMPO Working Paper 04/106 (2004)
'Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency' (with Simon Burgess, Marisa Ratto and Emma Tominey), CMPO Working Paper 04/103 (2004)
Local Neighbourhood and Mental Health: Evidence from the UK (with Anne Bolster, Simon Burgess, Ron Johnston, Kelvyn Jones and Rebecca Sarker), CMPO Working Paper 04/099 (2004) forthcoming in Social Science and Medicine
The Impact of Low-Income on Child Health: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study (with Simon Burgess, John Rigg and the ALSPAC Study Team), CMPO Working Paper 04/098 (2004)
Mapping choice in the NHS: Analysis of routine data (with Mike Damiani and Jennifer Dixon), CMPO Working Paper 04/095 (2004) published in British Medical Journal 330, (7486) 284 (2005)
'Explaining differences in hospital performance: Does the answer lie in the labour market?' (with Simon Burgess and Denise Gossage), CMPO Working Paper 03/091 (2003)
'Girls Rock, Boys Roll: An Analysis of the Age 14-16 Gender Gap in English Schools' (with Simon Burgess, Brendon McConnell, and Deborah Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 03/084 (2003)
'Incentives in the Public Sector: Some Preliminary Evidence from a UK Government Agency' (with Simon Burgess, Marisa Ratto and Emma Tominey), CMPO Working Paper 03/080 (2003)
'Competition and Quality: Evidence from the NHS Internal Market 1991 - 1999' (with S Burgess and D Gossage), CMPO Working Paper 03/077 (2003)
'Maternity Rights and Mother's Return to Work' (with S Burgess, P Gregg, E Washbrook and the ALSPAC Study Team), CMPO Working Paper 02/055 (2002)
'Does Performance Monitoring Work? A Review of the Evidence from the UK Public Sector, Excluding Health Care' (with S Burgess and D Wilson), CMPO Working Paper 02/049 (2002)
'Team-based Incentives in the NHS: An Economic Analysis' (with Burgess S, Croxson B, Jewitt I and Ratto M), CMPO Working Paper 01/037.
'The intricacies of the relationship between pay and performance for teachers: Do teachers respond to Performance Related Pay schemes?' (with S Burgess, B Croxson, and P Gregg), CMPO Working Paper 01/035 (2001)
'The analysis of poverty data with endogenous transitions' (with Simon Burgess and Matt Dickson), (2001)
'Growing up: school, family and area influences on adolescents' later life chances' (with Simon Burgess and Karen Gardiner), CASE discussion paper 49 (2001)
'Why rising tides don't lift all boats? An explanation of the relationship between poverty and unemployment in Britain' (with Simon Burgess and Karen Gardiner), CASE discussion paper 46 (2001)
'An economic model of household income dynamics, with application to poverty dynamics among American women' (with S Burgess), CASE discussion paper 09