University of BristolAutoimmune Inflammation Research

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resting T cell

Who we are

How the lab works

The work we do

How we are funded

What we're most proud of

How we work

What we're most proud of

The most important output from the lab are articles describing our experiments published in peer review journals. You can find a list of selected publications from the lab here and papers by Lindsay Nicholson here.

But we also like to celebrate other successes that people in the lab achieve.

In 2005, we published a paper, "A selective role for the TNFp55 receptor in autocrine signalling following IFN stimulation in Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis (EAU)." J. Immunol. 175, 6286-6293, that was recognised by the Deutsche Uveitis-Arbeitsgemeinschaft by the award of first prize for a paper published in the area of basic uveitis research.

In 2006, Carly Guyver won a prize at the Bristol-Cardiff Immunology Group meeting for her poster 'Phenotyping the epigenetic regulation of 1B6 T cells'.

In May 2007 Professor Andrew Dick gave the prestigious Duke Elder lecture at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 2007. His title was 'Modulating the macrophage and rescuing the retina.'

In December 2007, Ben Raveney was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 150 Fellows were selected from 1057 applications. Ben will go to work with Takashi Yamamura at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan.

In 2008 Sarah Morwood enrolled at the University of Warwick to read medicine.

In 2010, a paper from Richard Lee and colleagues won a prize as one of the three most significant contributions of the year to clinical research into the blinding autoimmune disease uveitis. This award, by the European Uveitis Patient Association, was presented at the World Ophthalmology Congress in Berlin in June 2010.
Steroid Refractory CD4+ T Cells in Patients with Sight-Threatening Uveitis
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2009;50:4273-4278 by Lee, RWJ, Schewitz LP, Nicholson LB, Dayan CM, Dick AD

In 2011 Jo Boldison's poster on 'rRBP-3 Subunit 3 can Induce Severe Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis' was highlighted as a hot topic pick at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting.

Congratulations to our successful PhD students

2005 Claudia J. Calder

2007 Carly J. Guyver

2008 Sarah R. Morwood

2009 Emma C. Kerr

2011 Wei Kang Wu

2012 Jezrom Self-Fordham

2012 Joanne Boldison

2014 David A. Copland

2014 Ashwin D. Dhanda

2015 Madeleine L. Stimpson

2016 Gemma L. Crawford

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