Cohort 2023 Profiles


Alyah Al Fageh 

I possess a solid foundation in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with my graduate studies gravitating towards predictive risk assessment in cyber security for critical water infrastructure. This niche expertise is underpinned by my commitment to safeguard essential services against digital threats.

My professional pathway began with an enriching experience at General Electric, delving into operation management, supply chain and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT), which sparked my fascination with the intersection of digital and physical systems. Subsequently, as a Quality Assurance Manager at Procter & Gamble, I spearheaded a team to uphold stringent quality protocols across the MENAT region, blending technical rigor with strategic oversight.

Driven by a passion to bridge the gap between technology and user-centric security, I am dedicated to creating robust and intuitive defenses for industrial systems. My goal is to merge hands-on experience with a deep technical understanding to champion a future where industrial cyber security is both impenetrable and accessible.


Endhy Aziz

I have an academic background in Information System and Applied Cryptography. My main areas of interest are vulnerability management and security operations, as well as protection of critical systems. Before joining the Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security, I previously worked in the public sector, helping organizations in critical sectors understand today’s cyber threat landscape and devising strategies for cyber resilience.


Andy Baldrian 

Background: 30+ years in the software development industries, as a Principal Engineer, Architect, VP of Engineering and CTO.

Working with the likes of Oracle, Viavi and Rocket, as well as multiple start-ups; managing teams from 6 to 300 engineers over 4 continents.

Original degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science from Reading University, back when computers ran on steam. Completed a masters in cybersecurity in 2023.

Areas of interest: Internet of Things, Home Network Intrusion Detection, Deep Learning, Secure software development. 


Catherine Bostock

For my undergraduate study I completed a BA in Social Policy (Valedictorian) at the University of Lincoln with a focus upon child abuse and educational support. Moving forwards I went onto complete an MPhil in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge. My MPhil had a focus upon the committal of digital abuse through different life stages as well as a study investigating virtual reality gaming abuse and reasons behind the committal of such deviance from a criminological perspective. At present I have an interest in digital abuse committal and how best we can support young people who have experienced such forms of digital harm through educational means. Personally, I also have nine years of work experience working with young people ranging from residential weekends to running workshops to teach English to non-English speakers. Through my work I aim to take a trauma informed approach with future view to develop trauma informed computing further. 


Kester Brookland My interdisciplinary background in politics, economics and international relations informs a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity issues, with a focus on how developing technologies warp the political landscape in unanticipated ways.

I am pursuing research on the intersection of the private sector with national and international governance, particularly in areas of conflict, espionage, and the development of collective identity. As this research coalesces, I expect it to incorporate elements of anticipation, regulation, and international political economy.


Konstantina Fotari

With a solid foundation as a Software Engineer, I hold both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science, equipping me with a comprehensive understanding of the field. My professional journey has been marked by substantial experience in cloud technology, where I've honed my skills and contributed to cutting-edge projects in the industry. This hands-on experience has not only deepened my technical expertise but also cultivated a keen interest in the critical domain of cybersecurity. Recognizing the growing significance of cybersecurity in our interconnected world, I was motivated to pursue a Ph.D. in Cybersecurity to delve deeper into this field. I aspire to contribute to the development of robust security solutions and advance the understanding of cyber threats, aligning academic rigor with practical industry insights gained throughout my career.


Ayesha Iftikhar

I have both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Information Technology from Pakistan. I have been serving in academia at a public sector university in Pakistan and have been actively contributing at many national and international Internet Governance platforms as a cybersecurity researcher and activist. For my Ph.D. research, I am interested to explore the areas of digital infrastructure protection, emerging technologies, data privacy and protection, threat intelligence, and policy frameworks in cybersecurity Governance. 


Ravi Mahankali

My academic background is into Engineering and Cybersecurity. I also have over a decade of experience working as a DevSecOps Specialist for Multinational and research organisations. My working experience helped me develop interests into areas of Cybersecurity like Cyberbiosecurity and threat management.


Lucija Smid

My academic background is based within psychology, as I have a degree in Psychology (BSc) and Organisational Psychology (MSc). For my MSc thesis I have examined the relationship between personality and online behaviours of users with a thorough focus on psychometrics due to the ambiguous results in the literature.  

I subsequently grew interested in the evaluation and development of psychometric assessments that measure (un)safe online behaviours. As per my background, I am also drawn to human performance and human factors within the field as well as examining and developing strategies that promote safe online behaviours of both employees within organisations as well as the aging population.


Emerson Suter

My background is in Computer Science (MEng), which I studied at the University of Bristol. My research interests lie in studying decision making and looking at the human element of cyber security. My focus is on understanding why people make certain decisions related to privacy and security both from a defender's perspective trying to prevent cyber attacks and from a criminal's perspective trying to execute them. I care about my online privacy and limiting the information that can be found on me. Personal security is also important to me and therefore I practice multiple martial arts for self defense purposes.


Guy Thompson

My background is in telecommunication and cybersecurity, having completed a full career in the British Army as a Cybersecurity and telecommunication manager. My private career started as a cybersecurity analyst where I conducted operations across financial, UK Government and technology companies. Working towards Deputy Chief Information Security Officer. During my professional career I received national recognition for developing innovative cyber defensive mechanisms for UK national infrastructure. My academic background includes BSC in Business Management, MBA and MSc in Cybersecurity, alongside numerous professional certifications. As a PhD student I am particularly interested in the interdisciplinary examination of wireless networks. This will likely include evaluating the laws, policies and governance of this sector. 





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