Outreach Activities

Barton Hill Micro-Campus

The Barton Hill Micro-Campus enables our students to engage with the local community through activities such as exploring cyber security concepts with Year 10 pupils using the Decisions and Disruptions game or explaining and developing privacy policy principles for local organisations.

Lab Tours

Our CDT students frequently host tours of our state-of-the-art BCSG cyber-physical testbed.

These tours offer undergraduate and postgraduate taught students across the region the opportunity to experience IT/OT and IIoT network environments.

Year 10 Work Experience

Through a week of structured activities and tasks at our Bristol labs, local Year 10 work experience pupils gained insight into various cyber security careers.

Women in Cyber

Our students actively contribute to Women in Cyber events across the region to showcase their diverse CDT research projects to the wider cyber security community. 

'Dust to Data: Digital Immortality' Films

The 2023 Responsible Innovation challenge explored the concept of digital immortality. Facilitated by Kilter Theatre, our students wrote and developed four short films on the theme 'Dust to Data: Digital Immortality'.

JGI Showcase - Bristol Data Week

As contributors to this public  day event, our students and staff provided presentations, hands-on activities and panel discussions on how communities use data to tackle key issues like climate change, equality and misinformation.

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