Jessica Johansen

Year 3 Student – 2021 Intake – Cohort 3

My passion for science and interest in human behavior lead me to a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Applied Forensic Psychology. I am excited to apply these skills to addressing the trust, identity, privacy, and security issues raised by the hyper-connected world we live in. I initially approached this CDT with cybercrime and Child Protection in mind, having worked as a researcher with the NSPCC. However, I am a blank slate - or at the very least an open mind - so look forward to exploring an array of areas.

PhD Project

A mixed methods exploration of the motivations for, and impact of, Digital Identity Concealment

The internet was built without an essential identity later. This anonymity makes it difficult to optimise digital services and enables an array of cybercrimes. To counter this, an increasing number of services as users to digitally verify their identity before authorising access. At the same time, our hyperconnected society is experiencing a crisis of trust. Whether for nefarious or innocent purposes, some people will circumvent digital identity verification. This research is motivated by the desire to understand the motivations for, techniques used, and impact of such behaviour.

Supervisors: Professor Adam Joinson (Bath), Professor Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis (Bath)

PhD Poster

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