Emily Johnstone


Year 4 Student – 2020 Intake – Cohort 2

My academic background and passion for psychology complements my interest in the intersection of cybersecurity, privacy and human behaviour. I’m particularly interested in exploring the implications of technology on interpersonal violence and abuse.

 PhD Project

Domestic Violence in the Digital Age: Investigating the Role of Smart Home Technologies

As technology increasingly features in our relationships, it also enables and exacerbates existing patterns of coercion and control. My research investigates the use of smart home devices in the perpetration of intimate partner violence. This project considers various perspectives to understand how, why, and when smart devices are (mis)used for abuse. I also draw on principles of responsible innovation to develop support systems for victim-survivors in partnership with third-sector organisations.

Supervisors: Professor Catherine Hamiton-Giachritsis (Bath), Dr Laura G.E. Smith (Bath),  Dr Claudia Peersman (Bristol) 


PhD Poster

View poster here

Events Attended


  •  10/11/21 - Ofcom Presentation - presented my PhD work and findings from my placement rapid review to various Ofcom teams.




  • 22 - 23/06/22 - NCSC ACE-CSR Conference.





  • 7 - 8/09/23 - Participated in REPHRAIN All Hands Meeting and led a workshop on safeguarding


  • 11 - 13/09/23 - European Conference on Domestic Violence - presented research as part of a panel entitled Smart Abuse: The Implication of smart, Internet-connected devices on Intimate Partner Violence. (https://ecdv.hi.is)


  • 24/10/23 - Presented REPHRAIN and PhD research to a VISION-VASC seminar.


Academic and Industry Placements (Year 1) Undertook an industry placement with Ofcom led by Fred Langford and the Trust and Safety Technology Team.

Undertook an academic placement with the HARM project team in REPHRAIN.
Publications and Presented Papers Co-creating a Transdisciplinary Map of Technology-mediated Harms, Risks and Vulnerabilities: Challenges, Ambivalences and Opportunities https://doi.org/10.1145/3610179

Smart Abuse: The Implication of smart, Internet-connected devices on Intimate Partner Violence (conference panel)
Social Media  https://twitter.com/emilykjohnstone
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