Dominika Wojtczak

Year 4 Student – 2020 Intake – Cohort 2

My research is centered around a multiplatform multimodal machine learning based study of misinformation online. Online misinformation has become pervasive online. Across multiple platforms, social networks and websites, online misinformation is increasingly being spread. Further, it often takes the form of modalities other than text (such as image or video), which is much less studied within misinformation (or fake news) detection. This research will seek to use state of the art multimodal machine learning approaches such as GNN to better detect and understand misinformation across online platforms. I am also interested in Privacy and IT law and the ways in which is evolving in response to rapid technological advances.

PhD Project 

A Multiplatform Multimodal Machine Learning Based Study of Misinformation Online

Online misinformation has become pervasive online. Across multiple platforms, social networks and websites, online misinformation is increasingly being spread. Further, it often takes the form of modalities other than text (such as image or video), which is much less studied within misinformation (or fake news) detection. This research will seek to use state of the art multimodal machine learning approaches to better detect and understand misinformation across online platforms.

Supervisors: Dr Ryan McConville (Bristol),  Dr Claudia Peersman (Bristol) 


PhD Poster

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