Alyah Al Fageh

Year 1 Student - 2023 Cohort - Cohort 5

I possess a solid foundation in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with my graduate studies gravitating towards predictive risk assessment in cyber security for critical water infrastructure. This niche expertise is underpinned by my commitment to safeguard essential services against digital threats.

My professional pathway began with an enriching experience at General Electric, delving into operation management, supply chain and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT), which sparked my fascination with the intersection of digital and physical systems. Subsequently, as a Quality Assurance Manager at Procter & Gamble, I spearheaded a team to uphold stringent quality protocols across the MENAT region, blending technical rigor with strategic oversight.

Driven by a passion to bridge the gap between technology and user-centric security, I am dedicated to creating robust and intuitive defenses for industrial systems. My goal is to merge hands-on experience with a deep technical understanding to champion a future where industrial cyber security is both impenetrable and accessible.

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