CDT student Rob Peace wins first prize at SCEEM PGR Conference

Today's digital world links information seekers to an enormous amount of veracity neutral information. Navigating the system to trustworthy information can be difficult depending on where the user is getting their information and their own psychology. Not a question of intelligence, the problem is in trust in information and sources.

Rob Peace

University of Bristol’s School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics (SCEEM) held the second Postgraduate Research Conference at which 11 PhD students gave 10 minute presentations on their research. After a vote from the PGR students in attendance, prizes were given to the top three presentations.

The conference, organised by SCEEM PGR reps, was a great opportunity for the research community to come together (virtually!) and discuss high level problems facing the future of engineering.  

2nd-year CDT student Rob Peace won the vote with his presentation on "A socio-technical approach to disinformation: Empowering users to correctly evaluate the trustworthiness of digital information". When developing his presentation, he drew on skills taught during the recent CDT media skills training course given by George Chan of Blue Fire Films to help with structure. Rob credits this for the additional impact that made his psychology-based research interesting and accessible to an engineering audience.  

We are sure that the generous £50 prize will be put to good use.  

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