From Abstract Algebra to Cyber Security

First year CDT Student Luciano Maino talks about his past studies in Mathematics and his interests for the future

What is your academic background? 

I have a bachelor and master’s degree in Mathematics. In particular, during my postgraduate journey, I have focused on Abstract Algebra. 

What made you apply to the CDT? 

I have always been fascinated by interdisciplinary environments, and the CDT uses this concept to furnish a broad training experience. 

What’s been the best thing so far about the CDT? 

One of the best aspects of the CDT is the opportunity to constantly absorb different viewpoints on the same problem through enlightening discussions. Also, the wide range of topics covered allows you to sharpen your background knowledge. 

What excites you about cyber security? 
For me, cyber security represents the natural habitat for problems that lie in the intersection between abstraction and applicability. For instance, well-known unsolved mathematical problems are employed to design protocols that could be potentially utilised on our tech devices. 

Where do you want to be in 10 years time?

In 10 years, I want to apply the knowledge I acquired to continue studying problems regarding the security of protocols used in tech appliances. 

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