From Social Sciences and Information Security to Cyber Security

What is your academic background?

I last attended university in the 20th Century (the 1990s to be precise) when I did an undergraduate in Social Sciences and a postgraduate in Information Security.

What made you apply to the CDT?

I decided to join the CDT as a career break and to also find a new career path. I am keeping my options open on whether that path will be in academia or in a different industry to where I used to work.

What’s been the best thing so far about the CDT?

I liked the varied topics I encountered in the first year of the CDT. It certainly helped in finding research ideas and I have enjoyed working through them before settling on the chosen area.

What excites you about cyber security?

I am very fortunate to have found supervisors equally interested in what I’m researching on which has also been a great motivator – I am really excited on how my PhD develops.

Where do you want to be in 10 years time?

The CDT has shown the different perspectives on cybersecurity and that it now touches on almost every aspect of our lives. I am therefore, looking forward to seeing what opportunities will arise post-CDT.

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