UK Reproducibility Network Replication Games

5 December 2024, 9.00 AM - 5 December 2024, 4.30 PM


The UK Reproducibility Network are working with the Institute for Replication (I4R) to host online Replication Games

What are Replication Games?

Replication Games are free, 1-day events which provide faculty, early career researchers, and graduate students, an opportunity to expand their knowledge of good practices in open science while networking with researchers in a welcoming and fun environment. This is an online event. If several people within the same department are taking part they may wish to work together in a shared space.

Teams of “replicators” will be assigned a published paper which they will work on (1) reproducing and (2) performing sensitivity analyses (robustness checks) from the published paper’s online replication folder. Teams of researchers will then write up a report summarizing the reproducibility and replicability of the published paper. Completion of a report gives replicators coauthorship on this year’s I4R Meta Paper. If suitable, replicators will then have the opportunity to interact with the original authors which is mediated by I4R.

Benefits of involvement include authorship on a meta-research paper and gaining analytical skills useful both at the individual researcher level and potentially more widely within institutional REF exercises and analyses. 

Register by 12 November 2024:

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