Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (MSCA-PF) Training Event

10 July 2024, 10.30 AM - 10 July 2024, 11.30 AM


The University of Bristol's Research Development International team will be presenting on this funding scheme for applicants and their host supervisors at Bristol who are planning to apply.  

We encourage potential supervisors to begin reaching out to their international networks to identify potential high quality candidates they wish to host at the University of Bristol and who are planning to apply to the September 2024 MSCA-PF deadline. Please visit the following link in order to register attendance via Zoom. Webinar Registration - Zoom.    

Please let the team know if you are intending to apply at so we can keep you updated and to ensure your application is fully supported. We will add all applicants to our SharePoint site in due course which includes all the relevant templates, guidance, recordings etc. you will need.  

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