Mindfulness for Cancer - Care. Compassion. Connection.

10 September 2024, 1.45 PM - 29 October 2024, 4.15 PM

All Saints Church, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3ED

Hosted by the National Centre for Integrative Medicine, this is a free series of 8 Mindfulness courses specifically designed to support those impacted by cancer, thanks to funding awarded by Resonance and Access, The Foundation for Social Investment

We learn that when our attention is caught up in the past or in the future, we can get stuck in unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. Mindfulness helps us recognise these automatic reactions and understand them as part of normal human experience. This can allow kindness to replace self-criticism, as we would offer to others but rarely do for ourselves.

Mindfulness for Cancer – Course Content 

  • Week 1 Automatic Pilot
  • Week 2 Dealing with Barriers
  • Week 3 Befriending the Breath and Body in Movement
  • Week 4 Learning to Respond
  • Week 5 Gently Being with the Difficult
  • Week 6 Thoughts are not Facts
  • Week 7 Taking Care of Ourselves
  • Week 8 Going Beyond Fear

Who should come
For partners, carers and family members impacted by the diagnosis would could benefit from learning some ‘tools in the toolbox’ that mindfulness provides, as they adjust to the new reality together. 

More information and to register

Contact information

Enquiries to enquiries@ncim.org.uk

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