Hidden Health Launch Event

9 October 2024, 3.00 PM - 9 October 2024, 7.00 PM

School of Chemistry Foyer, Cantock's Close, University of Bristol

Curious about the unseen forces shaping medical/biomedical research and healthcare? Ready to explore these topics in a fresh, interactive, and thought-provoking way? 

This dynamic in-person gathering will dive deep into how healthcare can be redefined through a lens of equity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity. We'll be shedding light on diverse perspectives and practices that traditional medicine has often overlooked.

At Hidden Health, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in thought-provoking talks and discussions with leading experts
  • Engage in hands-on activities that spark creativity and challenge conventional ideas
  • Gain insights into how cultural, social, and historical contexts shape health outcomes worldwide

Whether you're studying biomedical sciences or passionate about social justice, this event is designed to inspire meaningful dialogue and action toward decolonizing medicine and fostering a more equitable global health landscape. Plus, you'll have the chance to network and connect with like-minded individuals committed to transforming healthcare.

Refreshments, snacks, and plenty of opportunities for creative collaboration will be available throughout the event.

Register for FREE today using the link here

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