Engineering a synthetic light-controlled system to investigate fast insulin oscillation sensing by kidney podocyte:
PI: Kathryn Garner, Bristol Medical School
CoIs: John Day (Physics) and Richard Coward (Bristol Medical School)
Next-generation agent-based modelling framework for multicellular design:
PI: Thomas Gorochowski, Biological Sciences
CoIs: Mario di Bernardo and Lucia Marucci (Engineering Maths)
Combatting stroke with Astrocyte-Mimetic designer cells:
PI: Jeremy Henley, Biochemistry
CoIs: Lucia Marucci, Mario di Bernardo and Dan Rocca (Engineering Maths)
Split Adenovirus Base Protein (SABIN) - Next-generation protein scaffold for in vitro evolution of ultra-high affinity thermostable protein therapeutics:
PI: Christiane Berger-Schafftizel, Biochemistry
CoI: Richard Sessions (Biochemistry)
Re-engineering Type IV restriction enzymes:
PI: Mark Szczelkun
Collaborator: New England Biolabs
Evolution-guided tuning of enzyme temperature optima:
PI: Tom Williams, Biological Sciences
CoIs: Adrian Mulholland (Chemsitry) and Marc van der Kamp (Biochemistry)