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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Investigating Innovation, Safety and Liability

L-r: Oliver Quick, Professor of Health Law and Policy at the University of Bristol, and Dr Vera Lúcia Raposo, Assistant Professor of Law and Technology at Nova School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal).

Dr Vera Lúcia Raposo delivering talk on AI in healthcare.

14 November 2023

We were delighted to welcome Vera Lúcia Raposo, Assistant Professor of Law and Technology at Nova School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal), the leading researcher at the FutureHealthLaw, to Bristol in October 2023. During her visit, she delivered a series of in-person interdisciplinary interactive seminars on 10, 16 and 17 October 2023, exploring the use of new technologies in healthcare.

Hosted by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute and Jean Golding Institute with the University of Bristol Law School the events covered: Health data and personal care robots; Medical liability, standards of care and AI; and Facial recognition in healthcare.

Over 100 people registered for the events from 21 schools, across all faculties, along with NHS colleagues, showing real interdisciplinary interest in this research area. Attendees were invited to explore new collaborative opportunities, share their research interests in this area with colleagues from different disciplines, and discuss ideas for the open 'Responsible AI UK international partnerships' funding call.

Following the event Vera Lúcia Raposo commented: “Through research we seek not only to discover the past but to shape the future, forging partnerships that bridge the wisdom of yesterday with the limitless possibilities of tomorrow. My visit to the University of Bristol provided an opportunity to unite, pool our diverse expertise, and foster relationships that yield innovation, pushing the frontiers of law and technology in new and exciting directions.” 

Oliver Quick, Professor of Health Law and Policy, said: “It was wonderful to join forces with Elizabeth Blackwell Institute in organising these seminars. It enabled us to attract a multidisciplinary audience which ensured a rich and rewarding discussion and provided us with valuable connections across the University.” 

Attendee student, Megan Edwards, said: “I study mathematics and physics, it is a mostly theoretical course so we don't often cover how what we are learning relates to the real world. It was really interesting to learn about the legal and moral impact of AI on healthcare and I think particularly important for STEM students as we could potentially be developing these kinds of technologies ourselves in the future. I would definitely be interested in attending similar events in the future.”  

Nina Couzin, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Manager, added: “We were delighted to have an opportunity to welcome Dr Raposo and work with our colleagues in Social Sciences and Law on organising events addressing the issues of innovation, safety and liability of AI in healthcare. These key issues underpin the transformative potential of AI and it was great to see engagement from a wide range of disciplines from law, economics, business, policy and philosophy to biochemistry, engineering maths and physics.”

Further information

Find out more about the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute AI in Health research community. 

If you are interested in AI in health you can join our new AI in health researech community to connect with others working in this area.

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