Education Development Projects

Applications for 24/25 projects are now closed. Details of 25/26 funding will be made available in April 2025. Education Development  Projects provide  funding of up to £1500 and/or critical friend support to deliver and/or evaluate an innovative teaching and learning project around particular, annually changing themes and disseminate outcomes across the university and beyond. Funding can be used in a variety of ways; we particularly encourage the use of funds to engage students as paid partners in research. 

Projects should aim to support evidence-informed innovation at Bristol, developing excellence in learning, teaching and assessment, and improving the student experience.  

Applications should illustrate the potential to embed and sustain projects, activities and initiatives should the outcomes prove to be of significant Programme, School, Departmental, Faculty or University benefit. Projects which have the potential for cross-disciplinary application are of particular interest.    

Project themes 2024/25

  • Agency and choice in assessment design
  • AI teaching and assessment 
  • Active and inclusive learning (in large and small group contexts)

Application process

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed. Visit the BILT SharePoint site for further details about Education Development Projects and this year's themes. Further details about 24/25 projects will be announced in due course.


Education development projects offer colleagues an opportunity to evaluate and/or innovate in strategically important areas, with a view to publication.  They can also provide colleagues with useful evidence for Fellowships, awards and promotion. 



Designing for all - embedding inclusivity

Investigating how we can support the University's principle of embedding inclusivity through how we design assessment across a programme.

Education Development Projects 2023-24

View our brochure of the Education Development Projects for 2023-24.

Designing for all - group assessment

Discovering how group assessment, including projects and dissertations, can be designed to help develop team skills in an inclusive way.

Designing for all - engaging with the AI revolution

Understanding the risks and opportunities presented by AI to maintain fairness and offer ways of improving learning and assessment for all.

International students' experience

Exploring how we can ensure international students thrive in their learning through curriculum design and content, and approaches to teaching and assessment.

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