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Issue Index

ISSN 1478-6818

We would like to thank the following for giving us their permission to reproduce details from pictures of works in their collections as part of this front page and for their efficiency, courtesy and advice:

Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery; the National Gallery of Scotland (Sandro Botticelli, The Virgin Adoring the Sleeping Christ Child; Paul Gauguin, The Vision after the Sermon; Diego Velazquez, An Old Woman Cooking Eggs); the National Trust Photographic library (Pomona Tapestry Design, Edward Burne-Jones & William Morris, Wightwick Manor, picture Derrick E Witty; Road to Mont Fuji, Hiroshige, Cragside, picture Derrick E Witty; Henry VII, Hans Holbein, Blickling Hall, picture John Hammond; Nostell Priory upper floor, picture Andreas von Einsiedel; photograph of Fox Talbot, Lacock Abbey, picture Nick Carter).
