Submitting contributions to Art on the line

At present, Art on the line welcomes submissions for special theme issues only. These might address any aspect of visual culture and would normally originate in a specific research project currently being undertaken, or a conference that has recently taken place. Consideration will also be made of projects and conferences planned for the future. It is suggested that in the first instance a proposal is sent to the editor outlining the main information as follow:

  • Title of proposed issue
  • Name of proposed Guest Editor (usually the individual responsible for the research project, or the conference organiser)
  • Names of contributors with titles of proposed articles
  • Any further information concerning the research project or conference including, where relevant, date and venue of event, full programme, grants received etc

At present we are unable to consider proposals not conforming to this format.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

Author guidelines

Detailed author guidelines can be downloaded as a PDF document.

The author guidelines are currently being revised.

Referee guidelines

Guidelines for referees of papers submitted to Art on the line may be downloaded as a PDF document:


It is also the intention of the journal to include reviews (books, exhibitions, electronic resources) from time to time. If you are interested in submitting a review, please contact the editor with full details in the first instance.

Publishers are welcome to submit books for review but please check with the editor before submitting your publication to Art on the line to avoid duplication.