Student Testimonials

Studying History of Art at Bristol University has intensified my initial passion for the subject. With dedicated lecturers who are experts in various fields, I have had the opportunity to absorb a wide range of art-historical knowledge across time periods, as well as develop a profound understanding of individual art movements.

Grace (3rd year student)

What I like most about the History of Art program is that you're often given a solid foundation of understanding but then allowed a wide scope for pursuing your individual research interests, so the course stays as fresh as you want it to be. I have also found the skills and knowledge that I have developed useful and highly applicable to my life outside of the university.

Milo (2nd year student)

The art history department has its own study centre, which is a great resource for group work and preparing presentations. My degree is teaching me to steer my own learning, which will definitely help me go on to further study.

Sian (History of Art and French, 3rd year)

I found the History of Art program to be very worthwhile because it offered a wide variety of subject matter, giving me the freedom to study topics that were of interest to me. With this freedom, I gained a better foundation and an appreciation for new artists and movements.

Helen (International Student, 2nd year)
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