BARC Events - Conferences

Members of BARC have organized three major conferences on British Art, hosted by the University of Bristol:

‘John William Waterhouse’, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art with the IGRCT, University of Bristol, 2 September 2009. Organised by Elizabeth Prettejohn.

‘An Enigma Explored: Medieval Art and Architecture at Bristol Cathedral’, BIRTHA conference, University of Bristol, 19-21 September 2008. Organised by Beth Williamson in conjunction with the Centre for Medieval Studies.

‘Tudorism: Historical Imagination and the Appropriation of the Sixteenth Century’, Colston Research Society Symposium, 5-7 December 2008. Organised by Tania String and Marcus Bull.

Bristol researchers have also given a number of papers on British art subjects at other conferences. Below is a selection of the most recent:

  • Grace Brockington, ‘Edwardian Avant-gardes’, at ‘The End of an Era? New Perspectives on Edwardian Art’, Yale Center for British Art, 11 May 2013.
  • Stephen Cheeke, 'Rossetti and Pastiche', at 'Pre-Raphaelitism: Past, Present and Future', Ashmolean Museum and St John's College, Oxford, 13-14 September 2013.
  • Daniel Karlin, 'Robert Browning's poem "A Face" ', at 'Pre-Raphaelitism: Past, Present and Future', Ashmolean Museum and St John's College, Oxford, 13-14 September 2013.
  • Sophie Martin, 'Robert Ross, Edwardian Vision’, at 'Beyond the Garden Party: Rethinking Edwardian Culture', University of Durham, 12-13 April 2013
  • Elizabeth Roples, 'Disruptive Restaging: Re-Presenting Hogarth in Works by Lubaina Himid and Yinka Shonibare', at 'Visual Culture in Crisis', University of York, May 2013
  • The British Art Postgraduate Network conference at the University of East Anglia (2 March 2012) featured papers by a number of PhD students from Bristol. Other speakers attended from the Unversities of UEA, Warwick and York.
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