Dr Catherine Hunt


Catherine Hunt completed her PhD in 2012 on the depiction of gloves in western art from c. 1400-1660. Her current research interests include art and dramatic performance and narrative strategies in northern Renaissance art and seventeenth-century Dutch art. She is also interested more generally in changing ideas of identity and depictions of otherness.

Conference Papers:

  • Society for Renaissance Studies, July 2014
  • Queens University, Belfast, January 2014
  • EMREM Postgraduate Conference, Birmingham, March 2012
  • Tudor Symposium Postgraduate Conference, Sheffield, September 2011
  • EMREM Postgraduate Conference, Birmingham, March 2011
  • AAH Student Conference, York, November 2009


  • Introduction to Medieval Art
  • Introduction to Early Modern Art
  • Approaching the Past
  • Introduction to Early Modern History

photo of Catherine Hunt Part-time Teacher


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