Alumni and associates
Luana Maciel César - PhD Researcher (graduated 2020) Luana’s primary research focused on the numerical investigation of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of flow phenomena, such as large-eddy simulations of active flow control methods for trailing-edge noise. Her research project was titled Active flow control methods for aerodynamics and aeroacoustics applications. |
Codor Khodr - PhD Researcher (graduated 2020) Codor was a PhD student in the Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Research Group between 2015 and 2020, where Codor studied the propagation of infrasound in the atmosphere in partnership with AWE. Outside of research, his hobbies include Chess, Taekwondo and Guitar. His areas of research include atmospheric acoustics and infrasound, computational methods for three-dimensional wave scattering and acoustic metamaterials. |
Yannick D. Mayer - PhD Researcher (graduated 2020) Yannick was a PhD student in the Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Research Group between 2015 and 2020. He has been actively involed in the design and construction of the aeroacoutic facility in Bristol. His research primarily focused on the study of airfoil separation and stall noise. Yannick’s research interest focuses on development of advanced experimental techniques, study of airfoil self-noise and control and analytical and empirial modeling of leading and trailing edge noise |
Reza Maryami PhD - Researcher co-supervised by Professor Azarpeyvand (graduated 2018) Dr Reza Maryami graduated from the University of Yazd with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2018). He worked as an experimental researcher under supervision of Professor Ali Akbar Dehghan from the University of Yazd and Professor Mahdi Azarpeyvand from the University of Bristol in the field of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. He is currently working on noise emission from two circular cylinders in tandem configuration. |
Syamir Alihan Showkat Ali - PhD Researcher (graduated in 2018) Syamir received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2018. Following this, he joined the University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), where he served as a senior lecturer, and is a member of the Design for Sustainability (DEFOS) and Unmanned Aerial System, where he supervises research activities in the field of manufacturing, design and development and fluid mechanics. He teaches courses on Solid Mechanics, Statics, Fluid Mechanics and Control Engineering. He currently serves as the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni at UniMAP. He continued his active collaboration with various different projects with the research group in University of Bristol. |
Máté (Matthew) Szőke - PhD Researcher (graduated in 2018) Prior to joining the group, Maté obtained his BSc and first MSc at Budapest University of Technology (BME) in Mechanical Engineering. Maté also holds an MSc in CFD from the University of Cranfield. His PhD studies at Bristol focused on the understanding of the effects flow control on the turbulent boundary layer and trailing edge noise reduction. He also worked on developing various instrumentation for the group, including beamforming arrays, hot-wire traverse and he took an active part in the design and development of the state-of-the-art aeroacoustic wind tunnel facility. After his PhD, Maté continued his career at at Virginia Tech as a Research Associate. |
Haifei Wang - Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow (2018-2020) Haifei was a visiting post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bristol from 2018 to 2020, studying on UAV noise. Before that, he received his PhD from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2016, focusing on whole vibration of aero-engine and fault diagnosis. His areas of research include: dynamics and control; nonlinear dynamics; multi-body dynamics; aero-acoustics and aeroelasticity. |
Lyurong Xie - Visiting Research Fellow Lyurong is an associate professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Her main research fields are focused on the investigation of fluid dynamics from subsonic to hypersonic flows through a combinational method of computations and experiments, including shock wave/boundary layer (SWBI) interaction, flow field vortex structure analysis and flow separation control. In 2018, she joined Professor Mahdi’s aerodynamic noise group as a visiting fellow, mainly studying the influence of porous media on the flow field structure. |
Hanru Liu - Research Collaborator with Professor Azarpeyand Dr Hanru Liu is an Associate Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He earned his PhD in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics from Xi’an Jiaotong University. During 2012-2013, he studied at University of Cambridge. His researching interests includes aerodynamics and aeroacoustics in aircraft and propulsion, especially focusing on turbomachinery and airframe noise mechanisms and noise reduction technology. The multi-disciplinary optimization and reduced order model are also recent research interests. Dr Liu’s research is supported by NSFC of China, National major project and industrial funding, leading to high-quality academic publications and successfully industrial applications. |
Benshuai Lyu - Research Collaborator with Professor Azarpeyand Dr Benshuai Lyu is an Assistant Professor in College of Engineering at Peking University. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Nanjing University, and holds an MPhil and PhD degree from Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. Research in Dr Lyu’s group touches upon the fundamentals of aeroacoustics, flow instability and physics. |