Glucose monitoring for young people with diabetes
Aim: The aim of the Glucose Monitoring for Young People with Diabetes (FLASH) study is to find out if a new sensor worn on the skin in the upper arm can help children (and young people) manage their type I diabetes.
Background: Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in children and young people, occurring when the body does not produce insulin. People with type I diabetes need to inject insulin and monitor their glucose (sugar) levels. For many young people this means painful finger prick blood tests many times a day.
Study details: We wanted to explore if a new way of monitoring glucose levels called ‘flash monitoring’ works well. At present only one type of flash monitoring device is available on the NHS called Freestyle Libre (Libre). This study aimed to find out if Libre helps young people and their parents manage their diabetes better. It also aimed to explore the impact on diabetes services and costs.
We talked to children and young people aged 8-18yrs with type 1 diabetes and parents of children aged 5-18 years.
Study outputs:
Animations for young people:
‘It makes life a lot easier’: 8-12-year-olds on 'flash' glucose monitoring.
‘Feeling confident and independent’: 13-17-year-olds on 'flash' glucose monitoring.
Infographics for parents and staff:
Academic publication(s):
Qualitative paper has been submitted for publication.
Main study results are in preparation
A national dissemination event is being planned.
Funding: This work is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit 201085.