UBSCR Committee 2024/25

Meet this years UBSCR Committee!

Master - Elizabeth Curgenven
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Secretary - Freja Butler
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Treasurer - Imogen McAra
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Social Sec - Ryan Venn
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Social Sec - Charlotte Mossop
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Webmaster - Benjamin Quigley
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Steeple Keeper - Michael Shaw
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In Memoriam, The 2023/24 Committee

In honour of last years hardworking committee!

Master - Thomas Sherwood
Secretary - Elizabeth Curgenven
Social Sec - Imogen McAra
Social Sec - Rachel Hill
Treasurer - Alex Sousa Rodrigues
Webmaster - Isobel Wolf
Head Gardener - Josephine Leggett


Blahaj is our mascot and the life and soul of the society. He is always getting up to mischief and documents all of this on his facebook page!

He's also an underrated DJ! Check out his mixtape below! He's the blubbiest of all


Other 'Roles'

As well as the committee there are other roles within the society.

The first of these is Cupid, a position held by a single member of the society whose responsibility it is to spread love throughout the society. They also have the enviable task of wearing glittery wings to the annual dinner.
Tristan Shaw is currently Cupid

The other roles are Shark, Twig and Spoon and are 'awarded' at each TGM (Termly General Meeting) based on the behaviour of members in the previous term. They are dished out as follows:

Spoon - For stirring.

Shark - For pursuing members of the opposite sex (though not necessarily), tirelessly.

Twig - For being slow (in the mind).