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Issue 44    

Employing people with learning difficulties

CHANGE into Jobs was a project about getting more jobs for people with learning difficulties.
A group of people from CHANGE and from People First in North Essex had the idea to write a Guide for Employers.
They want employers to understand that people with learning difficulties can do lots of jobs well.

The group talked about jobs they had done. They talked to employers who employ people with learning difficulties. They worked with Susan Hemmings and Jenny Morris who then wrote the guide for employers.

These are some of the things a good employer should do:


bullet point A good employer has an equal opportunities policy. This makes sure everyone has the same chances.
bullet point A good employer shows you respect. This means that they treat you right.
bullet point A good employer understands that you may need extra time
bullet point A good employer understands you may need extra support
bullet point A good employer will not let you be bullied
bullet point A good employer will give you training opportunities
bullet point A good employer will value your work





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