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Issues 43    

Giving people with learning difficulties power through research

Disabled people, older people and people with learning difficulties say that they want to be involved in research about their lives.
Research is when you find things out.
The Toronto Group is a group of people who talk about giving to people with learning difficulties and other service users power through research.

The Toronto group includes people who do research, people with learning difficulties and other service users as well as people who pay for research.
The group had 4 special meetings.

This what they found out:


bullet point There are some good ways of involving people with learning difficulties and other service users in research.
bullet point Some researchers do not involve people with learning difficulties properly.
bullet point People with learning difficulties need to be involved right at the start of research about their lives. They can be involved at all the stages of the project.
bullet point People with learning difficulties and other service users need to have a say in all the decisions about their lives.





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