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bullet 16th March 2007:  final sessionon this unit is on 19th March but this will be a little different from the previous ppattern.  We will complete the previous sectionon family first; and then go into our discussion about cognition and family development.  We will then considert he case of Deaf schools which need to change to beign bilingual, before finishingon the consioderations for literaty.  The session times will be 10-12 and 1pm to 3.30.  The earlier start is to allow there to be a session on the disserrtation.  The session will be given by Nona Dawson from the School of Education.
Discussion Topics are here.
bullet 2nd march 2007:  Mid way through the contact sessions for the Unit.  We will again have a discussion session for the first part.  One discussionw will be the poibts at thee nd of each chapter of Baler - chatpers 4,5, 6 and 7; and the other will be from the two papers I gave out - from Hamers aand Blancand from Cummins.  The discussion topics from the last session are here and from this one are here.
bullet 29th January 2007:  first set of changes made to the web site.
bullet 29th January 2007:  The Unit is undergoing some revisions - please keep checking the website for changes.



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This page was last modified January 29, 2007