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Lecture Notes
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Main Assignment

Each topic whether prepared in sign on video or in written form involves an examination of the literature on bilingualism and bilingual processes.  This has to be worked into the presentation at appropriate points or as a general review.   See your MSc Course Handbook for more information on the format and conventions for the preparation of the assignment.  Deadline for submission is expected to be April 2007 (full-time students) and should be confirmed with the course tutor.

  1.    How does your experience of learning sign language help us plan for sign bilingualism?  Analyse your language learning experience in terms of the level reached in your sign course.  This should be done by examining your diary(?), sign language logs, notes on visits and contacts with deaf people and the transcript/tape/notes from the signing session.   The purpose is to consider how a bilingual policy might be implemented and the levels which might be reached by parents and teachers after a short period of instruction or the extent of training which will be required by interpreters to produce functional bilingualism.  What is realistic for a bilingual programme and how could we overcome the problems?

  2.    How convincing is the evidence for the value of sign bilingualism?  Describe the research which has led us to sign bilingual policies and which has examined the outcomes of bilingual applications in the development of Deaf children.

  3.    “Deaf children are not bilingual!”  Discuss this statement using some data which you collect.  Analyse samples of Deaf children’s writing, obtained from a school or unit..  The purpose is to describe the nature of the problems which Deaf children have and discuss how sign language knowledge seems to affect written language.

  4. How can you design the ideal bilingual programme for deaf children?  Johnson et al (1989) have presented a model for bilingual intervention and education - what is wrong with it?  Given your experience and thinking on this course how would you construct a bilingual programme which would work for Deaf children and the hearing adults around them.

  5. How can you squeeze two languages into one head?  Discuss this from your reading of the processes in bilingualism in the individual.  You will find the books by Hamers & Blanc (1989), Romaine(1995), Grosjean(1982) and Bialystok(1991) helpful.

  6. Bilingualism is first and foremost a family condition, without it the child cannot be expected to respect the language.  Consider the factors which make sign bilingualism at home, desirable and achievable.


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This page was last modified January 29, 2007