Paulina's story

Paulina, a postgraduate biomedical sciences research student from Mexico, shares her story on how Bristol inspired her to pursue a PhD.

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'Embracing the change'

Studying abroad was one of my biggest dreams. The idea of learning and living within a new culture while doing what I love – studying! 

Travelling all the way from Mexico to the UK wasn’t easy. Being an international student in a new country can sometimes make you feel out of place. Different foods, brands and meeting new people - it was overwhelming at first.

But as soon as I arrived in Bristol everything changed. The warm welcome people gave me completely altered my perspective in a positive way. From embracing the change and experiencing new cultures, I have gained some incredible friends along the way - not only from the UK but from around the world.

Support from the Global Lounge

I am especially grateful for the incredible work of the Global Lounge team for the support they gave me from the moment I arrived - not only with the practical procedures and documents that were needed, but helping me to be heard. 

The kindness of the professional and academic staff has made me want to pursue a PhD here at the University of Bristol. 

I can say that, in some way, I did not choose Bristol, but Bristol chose me - and I love being here.

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