The Temporary Staffing Service is an internal service for managers with a temporary staffing need, providing a rapid and efficient service to fulfil requests with the right people.

Hiring managers, when you have a recruitment requirement please be advised of the importance of ensuring that the process to recruit, whether as a result of a resignation or for a new position, starts immediately and is not referred to the TSS as the first option.  

The TSS Admin and Clerical team have a pool of available workers who have been through a recruitment and selection process to join us. 

You should use our Admin and Clerical service if;

  • you would like us to find you an Admin/Clerical worker for a maximum duration of 3 months, typically for an assignment to cover unplanned absence or to backfill whilst the recruitment process is underway.

You should use our Casual, Academic and Guests service if;

you already have your worker(s)/colleague(s) identified and they fit one of the following categories:
  • Standard casual workers, providing regular weekly hours for a maximum of 3 months, where the need cannot be met through the Admin and Clerical service (most often in research).
  • Ad hoc casual workers, providing irregular hours for a maximum of 12 months
  • Student workers, please see below.

Casual Student Workers

Current UoB students can be set up on a student contract up to a maximum of 12 months. Student contracts are issued with the understanding that there will be breaks in the working pattern during the contract due to exam and vacation periods. It is expected that students will manage their work commitments to ensure their studies are not affected.

Student Vacation Internships

We can contract students on Vacation Internships for up to 12 weeks over the summer vacation period. Contracts up to 8 weeks will be paid at the National Living Wage and contracts between 8-12 weeks will be paid at the Living Wage Foundation (Real Living Wage). Further information can be found here: Vacation Studentships Guidance 2022 (June) (PDF, 240kB)Vacation Studentships Guidance 2022 (June) (PDF, 240kB)

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