
The core staff within Bristol’s QECDT have been hand-picked for their research excellence as well as their ability to communicate that knowledge to others in a practical setting.

The management team

The core academic team

Supported by numerous supervisors from the University of Bristol as well as a wider group of industrial external partners, the core team within the QECDT covers the key disciplines of engineering, physics, mathematics and computer science:

Previous PhD supervisors


Alastair Sinclair, Principal Research Scientist, NPL

Anthony Laing, Associate Professor in Physics, University of Bristol

Chris Erven, Honorary Lecturer, University of Bristol

Colin Campbell, Reader in Mathematics for Information Technology, University of Bristol

Daryl Beggs, Lecturer at the University of Cardiff, University of Cardiff

Dylan Mahler, Experimental Physicist, Xanadu

Edmund Harbord, Lecturer in Quantum Communication Technologies, University of Bristol

Eleanor RieffelSenior Research Scientist and QuAIL Lead, NASA Ames Research Center

Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba, Senior Research Scientist, Hitatchi Cambridge Laboratory

Jonas Rademacker, Professor of Physics, University of Bristol

Jonathan Matthews, Associate Professor in Quantum Technology, University of Bristol

Josh Nunn, Reader, Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials, University of Bath

Josh Silverstone, Senor Research Associate, University of Bristol

Kenneth McEwan, DSTL

Mark ThompsonCTO, PsiQuantum

Mete Atature, Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge

Paul SkrzypczykRoyal Society Research Fellow and Lecturer, University of Bristol

Rafaele SantagatiQuantum Computing Scientist, Boringer Ingelheim

Roger Colbeck, Professor, University of York

Tony Short, Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol

Will McCutcheon, Research Associate, Heriot Watt

Winfried Hensinger, Professor, University of Sussex

Mehul Malik, Professor,  Heriot-Watt 

Sabine WollmannPostdoctoral Fellow, Heriot Watt

Bob Coecke, Professor, Oxford

Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Senior Research Scientist, Cambridge Quantum Computing

Daniel Oi, Senior lecturer, Strathclyde

Ahsan Nazir, Reader, Manchester

Jake Iles-Smith, Presidential Fellow, Manchester

Christian Karglund Andersen, Professor, TuDelft

Aleks Kissinger, Associate Professor, Oxford

Sam Staton, Professor, Oxford

Martha Lewis, Lecturer, University of Bristol

Siddarth Joshi, Lecturer, University of Bristol

Stephen Clark, Lecturer, University of Bristol

Mike Blake, Lecturer, University of Bristol

Martin Cryan, Professor, University of Bristol



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