Study sites

As we enter the last 4 months of our Global Health Group (our National Institute of Health grant ends March 31st 2022), our research teams are analysing data from their pilot studies and reporting outcomes, as well as writing up findings from previous phases.

The COVID pandemic and recurrent lockdowns in all partner countries has posed a major challenge to implementing interventions and collecting data, yet all the teams have continued their work through this global crisis.




Sri Lanka

In addition to the country-specific projects, we have completed a systematic review on interventions in sexual and reproductive health services addressing violence against women in low- and middle-income countries (; are completing HERA-wide study on ethical challenges in global research on violence against women  and on syntheses of interview data from service providers and survivors.

Alongside country-specific and pan-HERA studies, research Capacity Strengthening activity, co-led by early career researchers has continued.



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