GP Journal Club: Sunday 3 March 2019, 19:30 (GMT)

Low carbohydrate diets and their impact on consultation techniques for people with type 2 diabetes

Co-chair: Dr Ishani Patel (@drishanipatel)

Dr Ishani Patel is a portfolio GP with an interest in early diagnosis of cancer, technology, workforce for integrated care and is currently leading the development of an online consulting Hub for an NHS federation.


Please read the following articles and resources before the tweet chat:

Lifestyle medicine: a new medical specialty?

Diabetes UK - Position statement: Low-carb diets for people with diabetes

The Low Carb Program


Discussion questions

  1. Have you recommended the low carb approach to your patients with type 2 diabetes?
  2. How confident are you in providing nutritional information?
  3. Do you or would you consider using apps to guide patients with long-term conditions such as adults with type 2 diabetes?
  4. Do you use other lifestyle medicine components in your consultations?
  5. How has this reading influenced your practice?

Take part: #gpjc

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