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New BPI Blog Posts

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19 January 2023

In our three most recent blogs, we provide insights into recent BPI activities and a whistle-stop tour of our last 12 months

Annual Meeting of the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

In December 2022 the BPI Director and Manager were part of the annual meeting of the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, which we became a member of in 2020. The BPI Manager summarises the meeting and our ongoing work as an active member of the Coalition in this blog post.


BPI volunteering days 2022

The BPI Team would like to thank all of the UoB volunteers who joined us at the Northwest Bristol Food Bank and Social Justice Hub in December. Over three days the teams helped to pack and distribute Christmas hampers, provide hot drinks and warm smiles to foodbank customers, and sort through a mountain of donations in the foodbank’s warehouse. You can find out more about our experiences, how the foodbanks operate, and how you can contribute in our blog post.


BPI’s 2022 wrap-up

In our most recent blog, BPI Manager Dr Lauren Winch provides a whistle-stop tour of the Institute’s activities over the last year including our work with the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, our visit to South Africa to deliver research methods training and develop collaborations with the University of Cape Town, and our volunteering days at a local food bank. You can find out more in our blog post.

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