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BPI Research and Partnerships Fund 2021-22

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7 April 2022

The Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI) is pleased to relaunch our funding scheme for researcher-led engagement activities for the 2021-22 academic year.

The funding scheme will run in complement to other BPI activities, and is designed to enable researchers to bring together colleagues – and external collaborators, where appropriate – to discuss shared research interests and build networks for future collaboration. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are particularly encouraged to apply. The primary purpose of the fund is to support small-scale activities to grow and develop the University of Bristol poverty-research community and its visibility. Activities are likely to include seminars and workshops.

Under normal circumstances funding would primarily be used to purchase catering and refreshments for events in Bristol; however, where appropriate it can also be used towards travel costs for visiting speakers and participants to come to Bristol. Due to the ongoing pandemic we are currently also able to provide funding for online events which incur costs for software/technological support, translation (including sign language interpreters), live-streaming, and/or virtual facilitation. Where possible applicants should make use of the support available through the UoB IT services team, rather than seeking external costed suppliers.

Examples of activities funded in previous rounds of this scheme include:

  • A three-part seminar series exploring different aspects of youth experiences and inequalities
  • A day of workshops on Rural Food Poverty in the UK in collaboration with two NGOs
  • A book launch for a volume on Debt edited and authored by several UoB ECRs
  • A cooking event in collaboration with a local NGO bringing staff and students together with community members

The fund is open to University of Bristol researchers at any career stage and from any school or faculty; however, poverty must be a central theme and the activities should align with the focus and objectives of the Bristol Poverty Institute. Audiences should include UoB academics and/or students, with external participants from academia, policy, and practice also welcome and encouraged. This fund is for activities hosted by UoB academics, either in Bristol or online.

Grants awarded under this scheme will normally be in the region of £300, although applications up to £500 will be considered. Staff salaries, UoB staff travel, and conference fees are not an eligible costs. If you are unsure whether your proposed activity is suitable, please feel free to contact the BPI team via

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until all funding has been allocated or the call closing date (31 May 2022), whichever is sooner. All activities and spend must be completed by the end of the academic year (31 July 2022). We aim to communicate decisions within three weeks of applications being received.

Please familiarise yourself with the call guidance before submitting an application form. The guidance and application form are available in the following document:

BPI Funding Scheme - Guidance and Application Form (2021-22) (Office document, 80kB)

Application forms and queries should be submitted to

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