How are patients involved in running the study?

People living with kidney disease and their loved ones were heavily involved in the design and development of the Prepare for Kidney Care study. Patient representatives from the two main kidney charities, the National Kidney Federation and Kidney Care UK, took part  (external links).

Patients and loved ones have helped to draw attention to the importance of involving family members and carers in the study and ensured the study focussed on quality of life as well as survival. They championed the use of home visits for people interested in taking part. This early work helped to develop a study that was acceptable to patients and which will provide answers that are important to real people.

A Patient Advisory Group, chaired by a long-term carer of a person with kidney disease, works to ensure that the views of patients, their families and the wider public are carefully considered and incorporated into the design, conduct and interpretation of the trial. The Patient Advisory Group meets with study investigators six-monthly. The group has had input into this website. They will advise on the best way to share the study findings with patients.

A Patient Advisory Group member sits on the committee that oversees the running of the study. The voices of people living with kidney disease and their family members are heard at all levels of this research.


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