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FoodCycle Bristol undertake Breadline Challenge


Press release issued: 31 January 2014

University of Bristol students will be among those from across the country attempting the Breadline Challenge this week.

From today [3 Feb], they will experience the daily reality for thousands of Britons who struggle to afford nutritious food on a tight budget.

The nationwide challenge requires participants to spend only £18 per week on all food and activities.  This figure was arrived at by Helen Goodman, MP for Bishop Auckland in County Durham, who based the figure in the average outgoings for her constituents.

After taking into consideration the effects of the bedroom tax, changes to the benefits system and the cost of essential non-food items such as rent and bills, Goodman estimated that constituents were left with just £2.57 [£18 per week].

The aim of the Breadline Challenge Fundraiser is to highlight the real life effects of austerity and raise money through sponsorship for FoodCycle Bristol’s ongoing community projects.

To promote the campaign a different FoodCycle manager will write a diary post every day. They will blog about their experiences of living on the breadline, suggest money saving tips and low cost recipes. This will be available on the FoodCycle Blog.

FoodCycle Communications and Publicity Manager Danielle Jackson said: “While this is a challenge for us it is the reality of many people across the UK and it is important to be sensitive to that.  We hope the experience will put much of what we take for granted in perspective, fuel the reasons for our involvement in FoodCycle, and give us some top tips for saving money!”

You can sponsor the Breadline Challenge on their sponsorship page or follow them on their Facebook page or @foodcyclebriz

Further information


About FoodCycle

FoodCycle aims to redirect the edible food thrown out by food retailers, and use it to cook tasty meals and tackle food poverty within the community.

Originally set up by University of Bristol Students, FoodCycle Bristol now incorporates volunteers from various Bristol communities, and the University of West England. We are always looking for more volunteers and willing helpers – particularly non-students.  To get involved, or to find out more, contact

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