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Leverhulme grant for research on Weimar women photographers

Dr Dorothy Rowe

Dr Dorothy Rowe

8 May 2008

The Leverhulme Trust has awarded a grant to Dr Dorothy Rowe for a project on ‘Weimar women: photography and modernity’.

The main aim of the research is to demonstrate how gender influenced the development of ‘the new photography’ in Weimar Germany between 1925 and 1933. The research will include the collation of little-known biographical information about women photographers in the Weimar Republic. It will also offer new iconographical readings and interpretations of photographs and photomontages produced by women photographers during the period. A selection of their images will be analysed in relation to contemporary mass media discourses around the role of women in Weimar culture and society.

The research will explore how access to training, as well as different cultural, social and geographical backgrounds affected the choice of styles, subject matter and themes produced by women as photographers in Weimar Germany. The final outcome will be to produce a single-authored monograph that will serve as a research resource for an exhibition to be held at the National Gallery of Scotland in 2013.

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